Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Saturday, July 30: Numbers 19
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Friday, July 29: Ephesians 2
Twitter would be a lot more interesting if when you hit someone with your car, you got their followers.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Thursday, July 28: Numbers 18
Has anything happened since 2008? I've been looking down at my phone.
"What do we want?" "A cure for ADHD!" "When do we want it?" "Squirrel!"
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Wednesday, July 27: Numbers 17
When I get in a crowded elevator I can't stop myself from trying to guess everybody's weight.
Those of you following our DailyDevo plan, what do you think of Ephesians? This is the book that talks about the armor - CAN'T WAIT!
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Tuesday, July 26: Ephesians 1
I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
A "tub of" is the saddest way to describe what you just ate.
Thank goodness for wide, paved road shoulders that important people like me are entitled to use during traffic jams.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement Monday, July 25: Numbers 16
I want to wear glasses just so I can take them off and rub my eyes with my palms in exasperation when someone says something stupid.
Each night I spend about 30 minutes trying to decide which movie I'll watch for 10 minutes before I go to sleep.
Saw a man waiting for the bus who just stood there staring into the distance. It was as if he just didn't own a phone or something. Weird.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Sunday, July 24: Numbers 15
If a puppy stabbed me in the face and stole my car, I'd still be like, "aww."
50 mph winds here and I looked out the window and saw a package of Oreos fly by my house. At this rate, I will never have to leave for food.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Saturday, July 23: Psalms 34-35
Really the only way to look cool eating a salad is to shoot it into your mouth with a crossbow.
When a man can't open a jar, he has to throw it away and never speak of it again.
Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Friday, July 22: Galatians 6
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Thursday, July 21: Numbers 14
Nothing stinks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
We cant find car keys, cell phone or Pin Tail on Donkey but I every1 can find/push snooze button 3 feet away n 1.7 sec eyes closed 1st time
"Instead of putting this away, I'll leave it right here for the next time I need it." - Men
Before the invention of the Internet, primitive humans had to Google stuff by waterboarding a librarian.
My handheld social networking device is ringing! What do I do?
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Tuesday, July 19: Galatians 5
Every single time I go out to dinner with unicorns, they use the old "no pockets" excuse to stick me with the bill.
I'm not saying she was stupid, but I asked her how to spell Mississippi and she said 'the river or the state?'
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Monday, July 18: Numbers 12
I accidentally ordered a grande at Dunkin Donuts so I had to just keep speaking spanish so they wouldn't think I was a snob.
My co worker just asked if I could help file some documents. I said I was working on a huge project while she watched me play solitaire.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Sunday, July 17: Numbers 11
“I’ll put this somewhere I won’t lose it.” (I’ll hide it somewhere I’ll never see it again.)
Play-Doh is a wonderful way to teach your children that colorful things will lie to you about their taste.
After ten minutes trying to explain twitter to a friend I gave up and told her it was a pyramid scheme.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Saturday, July 16: Galatians 4
I spend 17% of my day wiping the fingerprints off my phone screen.
I know wearing black is supposed to make you look slimmer but I may be taking it too far wearing this Darth Vader costume all week...
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Friday, July 15: Numbers 10
I do my best proofreading right after I hit send.
1. A non-Twittering person
2. One who doesn't practice the art of Twitter
Example: The Twuggle leered at the Tweep
iPat. That thing we do to reassure ourselves that it's safe and in our pocket.
The platypus is a mammal with a beak. It lays eggs and is venomous. It's an actual Pokemon.
I told something to another teacher this morning and she repeated it to clarify. I froze for a moment as I took in a real life Retweet.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Thursday, July 14: Numbers 9
Hey,you. Your hair is really long. I want to play with it.
I like to yell "boo-ya!!" and slap my coupons down on the check-out lane so people know I'm serious about saving 75 cents.
I used to hold my Walkman up to the radio to make mix tapes in case any of you were wondering how long I've been super cool.
In retrospect, I shouldn't have called 911, but my internet was out for 3 whole minutes.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Tuesday, July 13: Psalms 32-33
I pulled out a tissue and 5 came out. For a brief, terrifying moment I felt like a clown.
Insomnia sharpens your math skills b/c you spend all night calculating how much sleep you'll get if you're able to "fall asleep right now."
The back-to-front comb over: Where mullets are laid to rest.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Tuesday, July 12: Numbers 8
Nothing says "I'm single" like a string cheese wrapper in the bathroom trash can.
We had social networking when we were kids too... I think it was called "outside" back then though.
Twitter still underlines facebook as a misspelled word. Passive aggressive.
The people in commercials care about me & want to help.
It's amazing that before facebook we used to have to stare at clocks and windows and stuff.
"Hey, it's been 6 seconds. Check your phone again." (my brain)
Still hope to be part of a wordless briefcase exchange someday.
Hey guys! If you haven't yet, swing over to FaceBook and follow us there.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Monday, July 11: Numbers 7
I listen to the first 30 seconds of an accidental pocket dial like I'm in an FBI van.
When I am bored I like to go up to random houses and say "I used to live here". Everyone lets me in and I have collected some cool stuff
I watch the news solely to know if they've finally discovered where the Loch Ness monster sleeps... But they feed me boring crap instead!
Instincts lead me to another tweet every time I see another child on a leash..
My internet is so slow, it's just faster to drive to the Google headquarters and ask them questions in person.
Im not sure what is worse - texting myself or it taking three replies to the jerk who kept repeating what I was saying before I realized.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: July 10: Galatians 3
Mom: I saw your toots on Facer.
Me: What?
Mom: Your toots. I was on the line and got on Facer.
Me: Tweets?
Mom: What?
Me: Huh?
I put my phone in "airplane mode" and threw it up into the air. It just fell and now my screen is cracked.

Worst. Transformer. Ever .
I envy how comfortable Waldo always seems in large crowds.
You know you have no attention span when you require a mental break while typing 140 characters.
Does anyone else's smart phone make periodic ringing noises?
I figured out that if I have my kids hold on to my cell phone, I will never forget them anywhere again.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Saturday, July 9: Numbers 6
Start here. Now go to that side. Back to this side. that side again. now this side ok that side this side 1 more time now front (bed making)
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Friday, July 8: Numbers 5
I hope my last words are something cool like, "Can I hold your cobra?"
I've been taking my Flintstones' vitamins daily, but I still can't start a car with my feet.
Connect with us! or over at
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Thursday, July 7: Galatians 2
How many times do you pass your coworker in the hall before you switch from saying "hi" to breakdance fighting?
There is probably a lot of ATM security camera footage of me rocking the heck out.
The day Facebook adds an option that you can like that someone liked something, I quit the internet forever.
We truly hope that each of you had an amazing 4th of July holiday weekend. Enjoy your week!
My air conditioner broke. I've been breathing unconditioned air for the last 14 hours. This is how super villains are born.
You don't really know someone until you observe their behavior around an unlimited salad bar.
I missed the lunar eclipse, but I've seen shadows before, so I get how awestruck everyone was.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Wednesday, July 6: Numbers 4
It's quaint when a company publishes a fax number on their website's contact page. It's like finding a Walkman at a flea market.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Tuesday, July 5: Numbers 3
America's Facebook wall must be going crazy!
Let's all take a second and thank Randy Quaid and Will Smith for their heroic actions on this day in 1996. LOL
If you're in the Jacksonville/Orange Park area, come see us at the festival at MooseHaven in OP. We're here till 11pm!
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Monday, July 4: Galatians 1
UFC Fighter and The Ultimate Fighter season 13 cast member Shamar Bailey will be in studio for The Morning Show this morning during the 8 o'clock hour! watch live on
UFC Fighter and The Ultimate Fighter season 13 cast member Shamar Bailey will be in studio for The Morning Show tomorrow during the 8 o'clock hour! watch live on
Why do people always ask me for directions? I have no clue where I am going. I am sure i have sent 100's of people into the ocean.
Arguing with autocorrect is the new yelling at the television.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Sunday, July 3: Numbers 2
Hope to see everyone tonight!
I have a chest cold, or, as they used to call it in the 17th Century, four days to live.
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Saturday, July 2: Numbers 1
It's hard to do stuff because, you know, internet.
24 hours away! You do NOT want to miss this here:
How long do I have to lay on the couch in the same position before I can call it "yoga"?
Today's DailyDevo for The Not Ashamed Movement: Friday, July 1: Proverbs 7
Don't forget about Saturday! Here is a video to remind you

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